Edited To Add: now that the computer is still holding on to life, I have some posts to update. I wrote this one in Prague about Amsterdam. We will send some more updates soon : )
Christine Speaking...
First of all let me make clear, I was asleep during Matt's post of the Intermission blog. It is not me that doesn't know which floor I'm on, it's Matt!! He keeps thinking were on the top floor when we are only on the second. The kitchen is on the top and he keeps trying to go downstairs for food. It's very amusing because he seems to have a really good sense of direction. It turns out he doesn't, he just knows how to read a map really well. And somehow I have a very fine tuned sense of direction but am unable to read a map. We have learned in the last few days of Prague how to make our two skills work together! I can keep straight where we are facing and which side of the river we are on (and whether to go up or down) and Matt can figure out which square we are in and which street to take to the hostel or museum. We are almost done with our time in Prague, but first I want to talk a bit about Amsterdam.
The last two days in Amsterdam were mostly spent in two amazing museams. First we went to the Rijksmuseum. Which was both a general museum for Amsterdam and included some great pieces by Rembrandt. It was something being around art with Matt. I'm not trained at all in art and Matt is. The only familiar situation I was in was art in Paris with my aunt Liza who is an artist as well. It opened my mind a lot; looking at brushstrokes and techniques instead of just the historical context of a piece. It was really fun sharing my art history knowledge with Matt and in-exchange he made me much more impressed with the work of many artists. Such as this one which is done with pen ink and is several feet wide and high.
We then hung out at a coffee place and watched people travel by.
We found a urinal for men that allowed three men to pee in it at once right in public. Matt of course used it.
And yes, dramawiz, we women folk do have to pay to pee, but since I'm so trained to pee whenever it is free I have actually not paid yet, and it's the particular man folk Matt that paid to pee once before discovering the very free urinals. For those that don't know, due to the amount of deaths resulting from drunk men peeing in the canals (and falling in) there are now public urinals. There were only female toilets after 300 women peed on a bridge in protest, but they were taken away again when heroin addicts started using them as hiding places. Now that Amsterdam has really cleaned up their streets I think it's time to open the toilets back up, mostly so we don't have to enter a McDonald's and pay 50 euro cents to use a bathroom that is never cleaned.
We went to the Van Gogh museum which Matt will have more to say about later. But mostly we just walked around and checked out the cool city and played with taking cool pictures.
Christine Speaking...
The last two days in Amsterdam were mostly spent in two amazing museams. First we went to the Rijksmuseum. Which was both a general museum for Amsterdam and included some great pieces by Rembrandt. It was something being around art with Matt. I'm not trained at all in art and Matt is. The only familiar situation I was in was art in Paris with my aunt Liza who is an artist as well. It opened my mind a lot; looking at brushstrokes and techniques instead of just the historical context of a piece. It was really fun sharing my art history knowledge with Matt and in-exchange he made me much more impressed with the work of many artists. Such as this one which is done with pen ink and is several feet wide and high.
We then hung out at a coffee place and watched people travel by.
We found a urinal for men that allowed three men to pee in it at once right in public. Matt of course used it.
And yes, dramawiz, we women folk do have to pay to pee, but since I'm so trained to pee whenever it is free I have actually not paid yet, and it's the particular man folk Matt that paid to pee once before discovering the very free urinals. For those that don't know, due to the amount of deaths resulting from drunk men peeing in the canals (and falling in) there are now public urinals. There were only female toilets after 300 women peed on a bridge in protest, but they were taken away again when heroin addicts started using them as hiding places. Now that Amsterdam has really cleaned up their streets I think it's time to open the toilets back up, mostly so we don't have to enter a McDonald's and pay 50 euro cents to use a bathroom that is never cleaned.
We went to the Van Gogh museum which Matt will have more to say about later. But mostly we just walked around and checked out the cool city and played with taking cool pictures.
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